Lidow Archive Edit:

Pearls of Venus


Legend has it that the Roman Goddess Venus was born from the ocean. In his famous painting, Sandro Botticelli depicts Venus as being delivered to earth in an open shell, like a mythical pearl. Another myth describes a wager between Cleopatra and Mark Antony on who could present the more expensive feast. Cleopatra removed a pearl earring and dissolved it in vinegar, drinking the liquified precious gem and winning the bet. But the real truth about pearls is: whether on a necklace, earring, or even a face mask, pearls make the perfect accessory! 

At LIDOW ARCHIVE, our pearls are mystical, fabulous, and available to rent! Founder & Rhinestoner-in-Chief, Haile Lidow (above), and Archive Director, Kevin Starynski, bring a selection of our pearl accessories to life in this Birth-of-Venus-inspired shoot.